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    Tanamera Spa Celebrates Women's Day

    Wednesday, March 4, 2009

    What better way to celebrate the International Women's Day by treating yourself to a wonderful spa experience at Tanamera Spa Wellness centres.

    Our March promotion begins on the 8th of March and ends at the end of the month. Now, experience Tanamera spa at a 30% discount*. And if you're lucky, you'll even receive a complimentary tangas treatment worth RM 50**.

    Celebrating International Women's Day
    *Experience the Bayu and Bumi spa packages at 30% discount during the month of March. You will also receive a complimentary tangas treatment with any purchase of Semarak api or Mentari spa package.

    For more information about these packages and our spa locations, visit our spa locations

    posted by Admin
    Read 'em comments:
    Very lovely nice site. I've visited your website several times & used the products. Anyway I've tried to find out more about your spa package but there are some problem.
    http://tanamera.com.my/tanamera_spa.html when I click the pdf. none of it are working.
    Please to maintain the website & update the files."

    By Blogger Vera Soo, at March 12, 2009 at 6:50 PM  

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